Time to Lull
Why we need lullabies
now more than ever…
*** Cliona’s albums are no longer available from CD Baby.
You can order them directly via the artist’s email
for $20 (free postage)
Hard copy (including lyrics booklet illustrated by Luci Everett) can be posted to your address.
In the last 20 years researchers in the neuroscience and psychology fields have been fascinated by music and brain development. Australian neuroscientist, Dr Anita Collins found that music, listening to it, making it and moving to it, have profound effects on how the brain learns and grows. See www.thelullabyeffect.com
Ideally bedtime routine should be structured in the same way every night to reduce stress. As the child gets older they enjoy being able to predict what comes next. Play the CD several times together. With time, you and your child can pick out a favourite so that when time is limited, you can play one to maintain the routine.
Balula LIve
Wendy Twibill (vocals) Cliona Molins (harp) and Fiona McVicar (violin).
Amazingly, children need to be taught how to relax. It is more important now than ever that parents and caregivers routinely show children how to reduce stress by taking 5 minutes out of a busy schedule to enjoy quiet time and music together. This has the immediate benefit of reducing stress levels for both adult and child!
Yo Ho Little Fishy (LIve at Humph Hall)
Wendy Twibill (vocals) Cliona Molins (harp) and Fiona McVicar (violin).